Human Resource Form

Contact Information
Name-Surname:  * 
e-mail:  * 
Telephone:  * 
Address:  * 
Cell Phone:
City:  * 
Personal Information
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Gender: Male  Female  
Marital Status: Single  Married  
Military Situation:
Smoking Habit: No  Yes  
Driver’s License: No  Yes  
You can upload images with JPG, JPEG and GIF extention.
Images will be uploaded with 180px width and 240px height. The images that do not have these widthxheight ratios need to be cropped correctly in order to appear decent.
Computer Programs You Use
Knowledge of Foreign Language
Job Positions You Are Interested
Application Positions:
AdministrativeAccountingOffice Worker
R&DSales - MarketingExport-Import
Things you want to add:

Enter the security code:  * 
* Marked fields are required to fill, select or filled appropriately in accordance to the format.
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