As a result of veterinary profession and the accumulation of field data which transformed into experience, Bakın Agriculture is founded for the purpose of being more beneficial to livestock industry, responding the needs and finding new and permanent solutions to the problems. In our corporate structure, which has been growing day by day with the expert and experienced veterinarian and agricultural engineer stuff, our efforts are continuing for generating new and permanent solutions to current problems with R&D activities.

While we keep working to increase our export share, our products have already taken place in not only in the domestic market but also in the foreign market.

In accordance with those efforts, we wish to make lucrative, healthy and quality production together…




Bakın Agriculture, founded for the purpose of being more beneficial to livestock industry, responding the needs and finding new and permanent solutions to the problems, has committed to produce in accordance with international standards without compromising on quality. While our efforts are continuing both in the domestic market and foreign market, our mission is to provide solutions to industry problems with different proposals based on R&D activities.



To improve itself constantly with inquisitive and innovative approach, adopt a principle to deliver products and services without compromising on quality and in accordance with international standards, have experts and skilled employees in their field, and make a difference in the industry by having a brand value that comes to mind first in its field in Turkey and in the world.


Bakın Catalogue

Our Quality Policy

In order to keep the satisfaction of our customers with economic products at the highest level without sacrificing quality, we have adopted ISO 9001, HACCP, GMP and HALAL FOOD certificates with the principle of manufacturing in accordance with the national and world standards.


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